
BIOMEDIS TRINITY - Multifrequency bioresonance therapy device

BIOMEDIS TRINITY allows you to use the advanced wellness tecnology of multifrequency synchronization (MFS) for its practical use in everyday life.

The researches that were the basis of the technology of MFS and correction methods that are used in the device are conducted in Russia, the USA, China, Japan, India and other countries. Programs and correction complexes of BIOMEDIS TRINITY are based on several methods - method of bioresonance therapy, structural resonance therapy, transcranial stimulation, method of correction of psychosomatic pathologies. These methods are implemented in BIOMEDIS TRINITY through the newest unique technology of MFS, which allows scientific research and methods to be used on a completely new quality level, achieving high results of the efficiency of the device application.

Description of the impact modes

In the modes 1 and 2 the device operates according to the method of bioresonance therapy. There is used a standard program base for BRT. Programs are used to create complexes aimed to correct and prevent specific pathologies. Correction set of programs (complex) is compiled individually for each person.

Purpose of programs for the modes 1 and 2 (BRT method):

1. strengthening and correction of functions and systems of the body
(musculoskeletal, nervous, integument, cardiovascular, respiratory,
digestive, urinary, immune, endocrine, reproductive);
2. prevention of premature aging;
3. ensuring infectious safety;
4. body cleansing, elimination of toxic substances.
 In the mode 2, the BRT method is implemented through the multi-frequency synchronization technology (MFS). Therefore, the impact on the body occurs not only through a network of blood vessels, nerve fibers, biologically active points on the surface of the skin, but also through the water matrix and on the cellular and intracellular levels. As a result, the effectiveness of BRT is increasing significantly. Due to the simultaneous operation of three emitters in the device, the corrective frequencies enter the body on three levels, resonating with the structures of the organism, informing them of healthy vibration frequencies and stimulating the organism to work for self-healing. 

Through the MFS technologies, the device implements methods of correction psychosomatic pathologies and transcranial stimulation. These methods are used in complexes for the mode 4. The method of structural resonance therapy is implemented through the MFS technologies in the modes 2, 3 and 4 (see the informational guidance "Theoretical basis of MFS"). 

In mode 3, the basal rhythms of the organism are affected. Basal rhythms are the initial, basic, deep rhythms of a human, developed in the course of evolution. In a state of health, they are clearly defined and synchronized with each other. Thanks to the fractal interrelation between the modulation frequencies, there is achieved a restoration of basal rhythms and inter-synchronization of these rhythms on all functional-hierarchical levels of the organism, returning the state of health. Complexes for mode 3 are used as a monocorrection for any deviations in the work of the body and for the prevention of diseases. They are also used in conjunction with the complexes of the modes 1 and 2.

In mode 4, based on the differences in the physical parameters of individual parts of the brain, several modulation frequencies selectively affect the brain. These frequencies are correlated with the brain rhythms. There is carried out a multichannel effect on the body on the same principle that the brain itself uses to maintain homeostasis. There are stimulated deep, ancient structures of the human brain, responsible for managing the reserve and hidden capabilities of the body. 

The use of complexes in mode 4 for the correction of psychosomatic pathologies is effective for achieving the following effects:
- reduction of stressful influences, fast relaxation, fatigue relief;
- improvement of memory and intellectual functions;
- activation of learning processes and creativity;
- in complex therapy of attention deficit disorder;
- normalization of sleep;
- activation of recovery processes;
- reduction of the severity of chronic pain syndrome;
- reduction of meteosensitivity, prevention of desynchronosis during the change of time zones;
- improvement of physical working capacity;
- concentration and mobilization of the will and resources of the body;
- improvement of mood and well-being;
- changing attitudes towards psycho-traumatic situations;
- in complex correction of alcohol and drug dependence;
- a decrease in the level of anxiety;
- in complex correction of somatization disorders of the autonomic nervous system;
- activation of hidden reserves and possibilities of the organism. 

Regular use of psychosomatic complexes in mode 4 calms the mind and relaxes the body, synchronizing them and forcing them to work in concert, helps to concentrate more on the present moment. Psychosomatic complexes for mode 4 are used as a monocorrection of psychosomatic problems. They are also used before using any other mode as an activator of the body's reaction to an exogenous electromagnetic field. 

In modes 3 and 4 , as well as in mode 2, there operate three emitters and affect on three levels: 
- through blood vessels, nerve fibers, biologically active points; 
- through a water matrix; 
- on the cellular and intracellular levels. 

Scanning tecnology 

In modes 2, 3 and 4, there is used the technology of scanning and detecting resonance frequencies of the body's absorption for accuracy and depth of the impact. When the program is turned on in specified modes, TRINITY scans the body and identifies the resonance absorption frequencies of the organism. The device adjusts and the impact of therapeutic frequencies occurs at resonance frequencies that are "audible" for the body . Resonance frequencies of absorption, being in a functional relationship, constantly change their values, therefore, during the process of influence, TRINITY constantly adapts to these changes and maintains an adequate frequency of influence by the corrective signals. Due to this, the corrective frequencies penetrate the body without hindrance, they affect deeper and more efficiently. 

When turning on the device in modes 2, 3, 4, the camera has to be turned out with the backside to the body and to be placed at a distance of 30 cm for 3-5  seconds. At this time activation and initial configuration scanning technology arise 

The radius of effective influence 

When using mode 1, the device can be placed directly next to the body (in the pocket) or at a distance of 1 m. In mode 1, it is desirable to place the device with its backside to the body, in such position the efficiency is reduced. 

When using modes 2, 3 and 4, the device should always be put with its backside to the person. 

In modes 2 and 3 the effective radius of influence is from 20 to 50 cm. If the distance between the device and a person is less than 20 cm or more 50 cm, the efficiency is reduced. 

When using mode 4, the device should be placed at the distance of 20-30 cm. 

Duration and periodicity of using the device 

The correction is carried out by sessions; the session is a one-time impact of a specific set of programs. If it is necessary, you can have several sessions a day. To obtain the result, as a rule, it is necessary to do the course of sessions. The average course of correction is 14-21 days. It is desirable to take a break for a few days between courses. You must take into account the individual characteristics of the organism and recommendations for particular systems and programs. 

Precautions when using BIOMEDIS TRINITY 

The device is contraindicated in the presence of an implantable pacemaker. People under the influence of alcohol, psychoactive drugs, should not use the device. In conditions, which are dangerous for health , the use of the device should be carried out strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the medical specialist and under his care.

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