1. The balance of frequencies
Using the program helps to maintain the balance between concentration and relaxation. It reduces the pressure of stressful situations, allowing you to stay active, to be in normal state of alertness, to think positive, to feel a bit relaxed.
When using this program, it is recommended to focus on the disturbing issue (upcoming exam, negotiation, bad memories, etc.).
Focusing on a specific problem, we "launch" the generator of pathologically enhanced excitation, herewith we activate not only mental and emotional experiences and associated autonomic disturbance (increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disorders, gastrointestinal dysfunction, respiratory system dysfunction, etc.). As a result we activate pathological reflex.
The program, due to the supply of the rhythms from high frequency to low frequency, constantly stimulates the indicative reflex (the reflex of novelty) according to the law of induction it dramatically reduces the excitability of the cortical centers of the randomly activated conditioned reflex that will lead to the reduction of stressful situations
The program starts with a frequency above 33 Hz, then in the mode of "wave swing", the frequency decreases and increases .It stabilizes in the range of the alpha rhythm for a little while and, then it increases and decreases, and finishes at a frequency of 40 Hz. The average frequency modulation of microwave emitters is 440 Hz.
1. “Erasing” thoughts
After using this program there is a feeling as if "the head is empty". Frequency of 40 Hz optimally provides the synchronization pulse activity of neurons, involved in the formation of images and the maintenance of 8 consciousness. You will have an attitude for productive activity and rejection of disturbing thoughts.
The program starts at a frequency of 40 Hz, then it decreases to a frequency of 10-12 Hz and it remains on this frequency for a short time. Then comes a gradual rise of the frequency to 40 Hz, and the work finishes also at a frequency of 40 Hz. The average frequency modulation of EHF emitters is selected in the range from 420 to 470 Hz with a gradual transition to the frequency 196-200 Hz.
Duration of program is 21 min. 3, 4, 5.
Alpha-relaxation Constant stress has a negative impact on your health. Accumulated throughout the day, stress exhausts mentally and emotionally and it robs the life of joy. Programs of alpha relaxation stimulate alpha waves in the brain. They relax you and help you to get rid of stress. They contribute to the emotional, physical and mental balance.
Programs 3,4,5 are used for stress relief, for rest from stress, for relaxation. Daily application of alpha-relaxation produces the habit of being focused, but not to be tense.
You can use all three programs or choose one as you wish.
1. Alpha relaxation for the restoration of physical strength
The stimulation frequency 9-11 Hz (average 10 Hz). The average frequency modulation of EHF emitters is equal to 62 Hz.
2. Alpha relaxation for achieving a comfortable state
The stimulation frequency 9-11 Hz (average 10 Hz). The average frequency modulation of EHF emitters is equal to 196 Hz.
3. Alpha-relaxation to achieve a state of peace
The stimulation frequency 9-11 Hz (average 10 Hz). The average frequency modulation of EHF emitters is equal to 247 Hz.
9 Duration is 20 minutes.
6, 7. Theta relaxation
Theta relaxation gives you access to the contents of the unconscious mind, free association, sudden insight, creative ideas. The programs stimulate the brain to produce more beta-endorphins - substances that are responsible for joy, relaxation and pain reduction. Theta state is useful for deep relaxation and extend creativity. It is useful to improve memory.
1. Theta relaxation for inspiration
The stimulation frequency is 6-8 Hz. The average frequency modulation of EHF emitters at 333 Hz.
2. Theta relaxation for awakening consciousness
The stimulation frequency is 6-8 Hz. The average frequency modulation of EHF emitters at 494 Hz. Attention! The program may cause the activation.
2. Delta session (for falling asleep)
The program stimulates Delta waves, which allow falling asleep easily and waking up refreshed and full of energy.
It contributes to deep restoring sleep, when the brain can get rid of toxins and the body produces important hormones such as melatonin and growth hormone. These processes help you improve the mental, emotional and physical condition and also they strengthen the immune system.
The program is used for falling asleep. If you have sleep disorders, you should use the course of the program again. Before using the program, it is preferable to carry out a stimulation in the alpha range (program alpha-relaxation). The average frequency modulation of EHF emitters is 196 Hz. The duration of stimulation in the Delta range (frequency up to 3 Hz) is 20 minutes. If after using the program, there is a necessity for active actions, it is desirable to turn program alpha relaxation on.
10 9, 10. Metabolism
Programs help to improve the metabolic level of the body.
9. Metabolism 1
This procedure gives the effect of imitation of physical work The stimulation frequency is 14-16 Hz. The average frequency modulation of EHF emitters is 41 Hz Duration is 20 minutes.
10. Metabolism-2
This procedure has the effect of increasing physical strength. The stimulation frequency is 14-16 Hz. The average frequency modulation of EHF emitters is 62 Hz.
Duration is 20 minutes
9. 11. Transition the to changed states of consciousness
In other words these states are also called out-of-body experience. You can use them for spiritual practices, deep trance states. In this state, the processes of self-restoration and self-healing are the most intense in the body. They contribute to the increase of the serotonin levels, relaxation and decrease of pain. They allow you to show internal interest. They help to relieve insomnia, increase the capacity for empathy, provide deep relaxation and neutralize the effect of "burnout", and also to speed the adaptation and re-adaptation up.
The average modulation frequency is 196 Hz, the stimulation frequency is 3 Hz for 6 min. Then there is a smooth transition to the high modulation frequency of 400 Hz, the stimulation frequency is 10 Hz for 12 minutes, then there is only the change of the average frequency modulation (quickly to the frequency of 196 Hz and then smoothly to the frequency of 400 Hz for 3-7 minutes.)
12, 13. Out of time
11 Programs allow you to synchronize the mind with the universe, "to stop the time." Tuning the consciousness on this rhythm, you can feel harmony with the world, you can fell the contact with the Universe, you can be out of time. This condition pertains to healers, shamans, psychics, deep believers in prayer.
11. Out of time 1
An effective stimulation rate of 7.83 Hz is used to create the feeling of being out of time, combined with a moderate frequency of EHF emitters equal to 60 Hz (3-5 minutes), followed by a sharp change of it to a frequency of 249 Hz (3-5 minutes). Such cyclic changes in the average modulation frequency of EHF emitters are repeated 5-7 times.
12. Out of time 2
Also for these purposes it is expedient to average the modulation frequency of the microwave emitters in the range of 210-230 Hz with a stimulation frequency of 7.83 Hz . Such cyclic changes in the average modulation frequency of microwave radiators are repeated 5-7 times. The programs allow you to synchronize the mind with the universe, to "stop the time." Having tuned our consciousness to this rhythm, one can feel harmony with the world, fell the contact with the Universe, be out of time. This is a condition that is characteristic of healers, shamans, psychics who profoundly believe in prayer.
This program is recommended to use in the cases when a suggestion is given by a psychologist, a psychotherapist or a person him or helself is engaged in selfsuggestion. Self-suggestion (self-hypnosis) is the suggestion to oneself of ideas, thoughts, feelings. For example, recommended by a doctor and aimed at eliminating painful phenomena and improving overall well-being. Self-hypnosis is realized through autogenic training.
The average modulation frequency of EHF emitters is 247 Hz. The introductory part consists in carrying out the stimulation with a frequency of 12 Hz for 6 min. Then the frequency decreases to 6 Hz in 5 minutes. Actually, suggestion is carried out at this frequency for 10 minutes (or other required time interval). Exit from the 12 state of suggestion comes with an increase in the frequency of stimulation to 12 Hz.
11. Morning freshness (theta session)
The program imitates the state of a child who woke up early in the morning.
It is used in the morning after waking up. It starts at a stimulation frequency of 7 Hz.
The average modulation frequency of the EHF emitters is 64 Hz for 3 min. Further, the stimulation frequency rises up to 14 Hz for 7 min with an increase in the average modulation frequency of the EHF emitters up to 125 Hz.
12. Half-sleep before sleep
Imitates the border state between sleepand wake. Can be used before sleep. The frequency of stimulation is from 7 to 10 Hz. The average frequency of modulation of EHF emmiters alternates 494 Hz and 247 Hz for 3 minutes per each.
Duration 30 minutes.
17. Half-sleep after sleep
Imitates the border state between sleep and wake. Can be used after sleep. The frequency of stimulation is from 7 to 10 Hz. The average frequency of modulation of EHF emmiters alternates 494 Hz and 124 Hz for 3 minutes per each.
Duration 30 minutes.
18. Activation of vital energy
Is used to activate all energy and mental levels of a human. There is a consecutive hopping increase of the average modulation frequency of EHF emmiters along the chakras. The duration of each period is 2-5 minutes. The frequency of stimulation is usually in the range of 9-11 Hz (average 10 Hz). For 13 example, it starts at a frequency of 130.8 Hz, then 146.8 Hz, 164.8 Hz, 174.6 Hz, 196 Hz, 220 Hz and finally 246.9 Hz.
19. Reducing anxiety
This program removes excessive excitement, anxiety. The frequency of stimulation is 10 Hz. The average modulation frequency of EHF (extra high frequency) emmiters is 330 Hz. Time of the procedure - if necessary, at least 10 minutes.
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