Principle of device's action and recommendations on application of therapy

Treatment is based upon suppression of pathologic frequency spectrums of oscillations, restoration and improvement of physiological ones, and support of relative synchronization of different wave processes which form physiological organism's homeostasis. The idea of BRT with the help of weak electromagnetic oscillations inherent to a patient himself/herself was for the first time stated and scientifically proven by F. Morell (1977).
Relative synchronization of different oscillating (wave) processes is supported in normal physiological state of the body, while pathologic states (diseases) develop in the body in case of oscillating harmony's deviation.
BRT is a therapy with the help of electromagnetic oscillations the body's structures come into resonance with. Impact can be exercised on the level of cell, organ, system of organs, and the whole body, because various levels are characterized and controlled by various frequency-wave parameters.
The main idea of resonance's application in medicine is following: if frequencies and form of treating (electromagnetic) impact are set correctly, normal (physiologic) processes can be increased and pathologic oscillations can be weakened in human body. Thus, bioresonance impact can be exercised for neutralization of pathologic oscillations as well as restoration of physiologic ones damaged in case of pathologic states; it means that the therapy suppresses hindrances (noises) in informational field of the body.
A healthy body, regardless of the age, always keeps relative synchronization of various oscillating (wave) processes which help the body to support balance, integrity and health. Imbalance and destruction of frequency-wave homeostasis' harmony appear, if any pathological pathogenic processes develop. So, new vicious pathogenic oscillations and resonances develop in the body; and they support diseases and prevent healing. The body's program of self-restoration and self-healing given by nature is disturbed.
The task of the device "BIOMEDIS M" is following: to restore correct energetic potential of organs and systems in phases, carry out peculiar readjustment, transfer unhealthy rhythms into healthy row, according to resonance principles.
The treating method with the device "BIOMEDIS M" has been based upon the solution of the task to create a method of electromagnetic therapy which allows providing harmonization of human organs' and systems' work with the help of resonance phenomena caused in the body by specified frequencies. The method of electromagnetic therapy represents restoration of health and liquidation of diseases' mechanisms achieved through impact exercised to the body by impulse low-frequency electromagnetic field with specific carrying frequency modulated by various frequencies.
The device is indicated for usage in house conditions. The therapy is carried out with sessions which compose a course of treatment; each session represents one-time impact exercised by a program. Several sessions may be carried out a day. More obvious effect is caused by a course therapy.
A course therapy lasts 14-21 days of impact with a break of 1-2 days at the end of the course. If it is needed, a therapy may contain 5-7 courses.
The device may be arranged with the back side to the damaged organ for achievement of more evident effect. The most obvious effect is caused by combination of the therapy with others.
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